Welcome to Robodrakens
RoboDrakens Season 2022
The RoboDrakens, Team 7224
Welcome to the 2022 FRC Season: Rapid React
The RoboDrakens are excited to begin the 2022 FRC season, and to embrace this year’s game, Rapid React! Along with 2 other teams, we will need to deliver cargo to our hub, and climb the hangar toward victory! Each match will begin with an Autonomous Period, where the robot will be programmed to leave the tarmac and attempt to score points at the hub. Then the Teleoperated period will begin, where our students will control the robot to score cargo in our hub. Human players can load cargo into the robot from either of the 2 terminals. In the last 30 seconds of the match, the robots can attempt to climb the different rungs of the hangar to earn extra points.
See the official reveal video below to learn more about the game!